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Lars J. Nilsson

Lars J. Nilsson (Swedish) is a Professor of Environmental and Energy Systems Studies and Head of the Department of Technology and Society at Lund University (Sweden). His research focuses on industrial decarbonisation and co-evolution with energy system transitions in the perspective of circular economy, electrification, industrial development and climate policy strategies. 

Lars J. Nilsson is Coordinating Lead Author for the WG III contribution to the IPCC AR6 (chapter11 on Industry) and was Lead Author for the IPCC Special Report on Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation (chapter8 on Integration of Renewable Energy into Present and Future Energy Systems, Summary for Policy Makers and Technical Summary).

Lars J. Nilsson holds a PhD in environmental and energy systems analysis.

Below you will find high-resolution images that may be reproduced without restrictions, provided the source is acknowledged. All photos by Ivan Boll.

Download Lars J. Nilsson’s landscape picture in HD here.

Download Lars J. Nilsson’s portrait picture in HD here.